4 min read
AWS Cloud Resume Challenge

Architecture Diagram for AWS Cloud Resume Challenge Architecture Diagram for AWS Cloud Resume Challenge

The AWS Cloud Resume Challenge was a comprehensive learning journey that allowed me to delve deeper into the world of cloud technologies. As an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP), I was excited to apply my knowledge and skills in a practical setting. This article serves as a reflection of my learning experience throughout this project.

The Challenge

The challenge was to build a portfolio and blog using AWS, GitLab, Terraform, and Astro. The goal was not just to create a functional product, but to demonstrate my ability to effectively manage cloud resources, work with cutting-edge technologies, and navigate the complexities of infrastructure automation. More information about the AWS Cloud Resume Challenge can be found here.

The Learning Curve

Every challenge I faced was an opportunity to learn and grow. From understanding the intricacies of AWS services to grappling with the nuances of GitLab and Terraform, every obstacle was a stepping stone towards greater proficiency in cloud technologies.

Overcoming Obstacles

Terraform and AWS Resources

One of the most significant challenges was managing and automating AWS resources using Terraform. It was a steep learning curve, but with perseverance and a lot of trial and error, I was able to master the tool. I learned how to write Terraform configuration files, manage state files using GitLab’s Terraform state backend, and automate the provisioning and management of AWS resources.

AWS API Gateway and Lambda Function

Working with AWS API Gateway and a single Lambda function was another hurdle. Configuring the API Gateway to route requests to the correct Lambda function, and ensuring the Lambda function was executing correctly and efficiently, required a deep understanding of AWS services and cloud computing concepts. I spent a significant amount of time testing, debugging, and optimizing my configurations to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.

GitLab CI/CD and AWS Integration

Integrating GitLab CI/CD with AWS was another significant challenge. Setting up the pipeline to automatically build, test, and deploy my application to AWS whenever I pushed changes to my GitLab repository required careful configuration and a lot of testing. I securely set up AWS resources through the GitLab pipeline by storing AWS credentials as GitLab CI/CD environment variables. This ensured that my application was always running the latest version of my code and that my AWS credentials were securely managed.

Working with Astro

Working with Astro, a cutting-edge front-end framework, presented its own unique set of challenges. Astro’s component-based architecture and its emphasis on performance optimization meant that I had to rethink my approach to front-end development. I had to familiarize myself with Astro’s unique features such as partial hydration and server-side rendering, which were new concepts to me. Astro’s integration with other modern web technologies like JavaScript and TypeScript also required a deep understanding of these languages. I had to ensure that my code was efficient, maintainable, and adhered to best practices. This involved a lot of debugging, refactoring, and performance tuning.

In all these challenges, the key to overcoming them was persistence, continuous learning, and a lot of hands-on practice. It was a tough journey, but each obstacle was a learning opportunity that enhanced my skills and knowledge.

The Outcome

The result of this arduous journey is a fully functional, aesthetically pleasing portfolio and blog hosted on AWS. The portfolio boasts a clean, minimalist design, with a focus on content. The blog posts are easy to read, and the projects are neatly organized and easy to navigate.

The Takeaway

The AWS Cloud Resume Challenge was more than just a project; it was a learning experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to learn new technologies and tools. It was a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of continuous learning, and the value of practical application in mastering new skills.

In the end, I emerged with not just a portfolio and blog, but a wealth of knowledge and experience that I will carry forward in my future endeavors. The journey was challenging, but the rewards were well worth the effort.